Agenda for A.G.M.
1. Opening address by the Chairman.
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of the 64th Annual General Meeting to be read for Adoption
4. Hon. Treasurer’s Report.
(i) Vote of thanks to Hon. Auditors.
5. Hon. Secretary’s Report.
6. Club Manager’s Report.
7. Social Report.
8. Election of the Club Committee for 2012/2013
(i) Ratification of size of committee.
(ii) Election of Committee Members.
(Please note that YOUR nominations should be sent or given to the Secretary in writing 3 days BEFORE the day of the meeting.)
9. Alterations to the Rules.
(N.B. See Club Rule 10. Any proposed alterations to rules must be sent or given in writing to the Secretary 3 days BEFORE the day of the meeting)
10. Any Other Business.
“100” CLUB
It’s that time again.....Remember the revenue raised from the sale of the tickets goes towards the running of YOUR Club, and keeps your fees low.
Please ask your friends, relatives or neighbours if they wish to purchase a ticket and speak to George Medlock